Stocks value fluctuate on a daily basis (even every minute). If stock prices drop too much, you may lose some of your initial investment and consequently if you don't want to incur loses you need to wait for the company and stock price to recover. You can still withdraw anytime you want but you may fail to achieve your target gains.
It is best to have a separate fund for emergency purposes.
2. Your Goals and Plans
Investing is like a business. You need to have a plan. When will you stop buying? When will you reap your profits? When will you cut your losses?
3. Your knowledge
Are you sure you know what to do? and not what to do? At the vey least, do you know who to contact if you have questions?
4. Your Emotions
Are you emotionally prepared? Are you prepared to be a millionaire? Are you prepared to lose?
Most buying and selling are fueled by emotions, by fear of being left behind, fear of losing or greed for more gains.
Prepare yourself for the stock market cycle and know how to react. Don't be carried away just by your emotions.
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